Travel Me Senior and Health
Discover our remote trips to the heart of French heritage for people with reduced mobility. Travel Me offers real-time excursions via a livestreaming technique in Paris and in France to (re)discover the richness of our heritage. Group or individual activity for health and senior establishments: assisted living or autonomous residences, EHPAD, follow-up care and rehabilitation clinics (SSR), long-term care units (USLD) and other specialised establishments.

Our mission
Enabling health institutions to open their windows to the world An innovative, cultural and interactive activity
Travel Me provides a direct response to the isolation of our elderly and all people with reduced mobility and thus offers a preventive activity and a way of stimulating social links. Accompanied by a certified official guide who shares with them the richness of France's heritage, your residents walk in real time through the neighbourhoods, meet the craftsmen and (re)discover the secrets and history of Paris and our regions, without leaving their establishment.
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Format of the activity
Visit in real time with a live exchange (via a livestreaming technique) of 1h, proposed in group in the animation room of the establishment or individually room.
High quality interactive cultural activity, led by one of our state-certified tour guides, trained to accompany the person.
A catalogue of about thirty thematic visits is already available, with the possibility of building customised tours according to the wishes of the residents.
Materials needed at the facility
A computer, tablet or TV screen connected to the internet, with a stable internet connection allowing to stream audio and video.
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